Criteria For Choosing A High-Quality Educational Childcare Center


Choosing a high-quality childcare center is one of the most important choices working parents of young children have to make. If you aren't sure where to start, ensure your choice meets each of the following criteria. Age Appropriate Child-to-Teacher Ratios  The child care center you select should have an appropriate child-to-teacher ratio based on your child's age. A three-year-old is developmentally unable to spend long periods immersed in activities or playing with other children.

1 November 2022

Stay at Home Parent? 3 Reasons Why Your Preschooler Still Needs an Early Childhood Education Program


Why is early childhood education important? Your child doesn't necessarily need daycare. Does this mean they should skip preschool? If you're not sure whether to enroll your child in an early learning program or wait for kindergarten, take a look at the top reasons your three to five-year-old should start school right now. Social Skill Development Your child has plenty of opportunities to interact with their family at home. While parent-child and sibling-sibling interactions can help preschoolers to build some social skills, the at-home social scene isn't as diverse and expansive as what your preschooler would experience in a formal early learning program.

28 February 2022