questions about your child's first year of school

How soon should you begin thinking about your child's first years of school? Some parents begin planning and applying at different preschools very early, while others wait until the year their child will start. How many preschools are in your area? Do the classes fill up quickly? Does your child have special needs? What age will you start your child in preschool? What do you hope for your child to get out of preschool? All of these things will come into play as you make the decisions about your child's first year in school. Visit my website to learn how to get the answers to these questions.

Stay at Home Parent? 3 Reasons Why Your Preschooler Still Needs an Early Childhood Education Program


Why is early childhood education important? Your child doesn't necessarily need daycare. Does this mean they should skip preschool? If you're not sure whether to enroll your child in an early learning program or wait for kindergarten, take a look at the top reasons your three to five-year-old should start school right now.

Social Skill Development

Your child has plenty of opportunities to interact with their family at home. While parent-child and sibling-sibling interactions can help preschoolers to build some social skills, the at-home social scene isn't as diverse and expansive as what your preschooler would experience in a formal early learning program. Not only can your child benefit from the guidance of a highly trained teacher, they will also have the chance to communicate with (and often learn from) other similarly-aged children.

Specific social skills your child can develop in the preschool or early learning setting include listening to others, sharing, taking turns, and acting as part of a larger group or community. Beyond the specific social skill set your child can build during their pre-k years, they will also meet and make their first true friends. 

Later School Success

The early childhood education environment is a stepping stone to later learning. As a young student, your child will start with the basics. These include everything from early literacy (reading, writing, language use, and communication) and math to science and the arts. The pre-k setting can help your child to build a foundation for their later education. 

According to a 2017 study in the journal Educational Researcher, early childhood programs may reduce grade retention (repeating the same grade) and increase high school graduation rates. Even though high school isn't on your mind right now, the eventual benefit of early education is a major reason to consider enrolling your child in a high-quality preschool program. 

Independence Development

The older your child gets, the more independence they'll need. From using feeding utensils by themselves to someday navigating a school bus or grade school setting without mom or dad nearby, every young child needs to eventually act as an independent individual.

The early learning environment provides opportunities for preschoolers to build a sense of independence. This can help your child to feel more confident in their abilities and lead to increased self-esteem. It can also help to ease anxieties you may have about your child's ability to cognitively, emotionally, or socially manage the kindergarten or grade school transition. 


28 February 2022