questions about your child's first year of school

How soon should you begin thinking about your child's first years of school? Some parents begin planning and applying at different preschools very early, while others wait until the year their child will start. How many preschools are in your area? Do the classes fill up quickly? Does your child have special needs? What age will you start your child in preschool? What do you hope for your child to get out of preschool? All of these things will come into play as you make the decisions about your child's first year in school. Visit my website to learn how to get the answers to these questions.

How To Get Your Toddler Ready To Read


One of the most critical things that your child will learn is something that they happen to learn early on: reading. While your child's teacher will do all of the heavy lifting regarding getting your child to read properly, there are a few things that you can do to get them ready. From helping them learn their letters to practicing sight words, here are a few tips to get your little reader ready for the page. 


The first step to teaching your child to learn is getting them familiar with all of their letters. All children are different, and your child may or may not be ready to start practicing letters when they are around three or four years old. Depending on how your child learns, they may enjoy : 

Flash Cards: Flash cards are an easy and usually effective way to get your child to learn their letters. By doing small drills every day, you can get them acquainted pretty quickly. 

Puzzles: Puzzles are also another learning tool that you can use to help your child learn their letters. 

Games: Games require a bit more time and energy on your end, but they can definitely make the process of learning letters a lot more fun. Fun letter games include board games that you can find online, or you can even do things like matching games where you match the uppercase and lowercase letters together. 


Sounds are the second thing that you should help your child learn. With things like songs and books, you can teach your child all about every letter sound so they know how to sound things out. 

Sight Words

Once your child has mastered their letters and sounds, then you can start with some sight words. Sight words are easily recognizable words that are commonly used ins sentences such as, "the, a, and," etc. Being able to recognize these words will help make their overall reading process o a bit more smoothly. Typical site word activities include things like worksheets that you can find online, workbooks that are designed for early reading, or even flash cards. 

The key to helping your toddler get ready for kindergarten is to be consistent with these activities. For instance, setting aside 20 minutes every morning before preschool to work on these activities will help them know that this is just part of what they do. To learn a little bit more about toddler learning and toddler learning activities, reach out to an education specialist near you today. 


4 May 2021